Erstellt von:
Jashan Chittesh
As previously reported, I had noticed that a few users didn't complete their registration process. Houston, we got a problem!
There's two issues I find challenging about this: First is, if it's "okay" to contact people who have started their registration process and not finished it proactively via e-mail. While I think a part of good customer support is being proactive and supporting your players in which ever way you can, I think e-mail is a somewhat sensitive medium, and I have to say I did hesitate and think about it before I actually contacted people via mail. I feel it's alright, but have to admit I have a little bit of insecurity in this area...
From a more technical perspective: Due to a question posted in the Unity forums, I found out for sure that at least one player and fellow game developer did simply not receive the verification e-mail. Ouch - that hurts! I did some changes to the registration process that will hopefully inspire people to contact me directly if there's a problem, but it's still not at all satisfactory. So I'll have to see what I can do about this - but from my experience, due to the terrible plague called "SPAM", there's by now quite a few people that simply won't get your message no matter what you do.
Well, I'll try to do my best - but this is definitely a challenging area (see my next posting about the forums for one approach I'm taking on this)...