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RaMtiGA - Raising a Middleworld to its Golden Age
RaMtiGA - Raising a Middleworld to its Golden Age: Blog
Sep 28

Written by: Jashan Chittesh

I've just sent out the instructions for the first load-test. Full text below ...

Hi there,

you can either simply log in around 16:00 (4pm) CEST and play "as usual", or start a couple of load-testing on your computer. When you prefer to play "as usual", there are no further instructions needed ;-) - for doing the load-test, the instructions might be helpful:

So here's the Instructions! ;-)

The Load-Test clients are available at: Load-Test Clients

On that page, if you have the Unity Web player installed, one instance of the Load-Test client is immediately started in the Web browser. The download for this is around 7MB. Below the Web player, you'll find links to standalone versions of the Windows and Mac Universal Load-Tester. These are also available directly through the following two links:

Windows Loadtester Client (17MB)
Mac Universal Loadtester Client (24MB)

Both clients don't require any installation. Just download, unzip, and start. On Windows, you can simply start multiple instances of that client by double clicking on the icon multiple times. On the Mac, this is a little tricker: Right- (or ctrl-)click on TOI_V1.0alpha6_Universal_LOADTESTER(.app), in the menu, select "Show Package Contents" (in German, I think it should be "Paketinhalt anzeigen" ;-) ). Now navigate to Contents/MacOS/. Here you find TracesOfIllumination - simply double click as often as you want to start the client.

The client immediately logs in after starting. However, it does not join a team. There should already be some players online (me ;-) ), and some teams. You can either join a team by clicking on the "Join" button below one team, or - if there's less than 4 teams - you could also create a new team. It might be that when you log in, there's currently a game session going on. If that's the case, you'll just have to wait for a moment before you can join a team (usually, the sessions last less than 2 minutes ;-) ).

Whenever all human players in the game group have clicked on Play, the game immediately starts and lasts until only one tracer is still online.

We should have at least one human player in each game group. You can switch to another game group via "Game Sessions" (oops, should be "Game Groups" ;-) ), which is right below "Configuration for Multiplayer", next to "Teams", "Team Stats" and "Player Stats". Each game group can have up to 20 players, they're all hosted on the same server. How many load-test clients you can run simultanuously on your machine depends on your machine. 3 should always be possible, up to 10 should still work on a very powerful machine. Check the FPS (bottom of the screen, left-hand side) - if it goes below 20, you might consider closing clients. Also, check how long the clients take to load the level when a game session starts. I've noticed that with lots of clients on a Windows machine, this sometimes takes awfully long - which is also a good reason to shut some load-testing clients down.

Usually, it's a good idea (for the fun of it), to have one "real client" with which you can actually participate in the game sessions (and you could select any of the first four tracers for that ;-) ).

I'll be in the chat, and online with Skype (jashanchittesh). It might be that I need to restart the server now and then - if that happens, simply wait for a moment (30 seconds should be enough), and then click on the button "Start Testclient" (or "Login" if you're playing yourself ;-) ). Btw, to get help on the chat commands, simply type "/help" in the chat. If you change the mode (all, game group, team, tell), the mode stays the same until you change the mode again. In the game, there are a few message shortcuts (Team spread!, Need Bullet-Time! and the like) which also change the mode, so you might have to change back after using those during a play session.

Ok - looking forward to seeing you later (in about 1 1/2 hours) for a round of fun-TOI-sessions ;-)

Sunny regards,

PS: Btw, there's one little "bug" in the load-tester client that shows progress for the tutorial being downloaded (which isn't included in the load-tester client). You can simply ignore that ;-)


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