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RaMtiGA - Raising a Middleworld to its Golden Age
RaMtiGA - Raising a Middleworld to its Golden Age: Blog
Aug 28

Erstellt von: Jashan Chittesh

I won't write much about this right now, because I'm ready to fall to my bed like a stone, but I just wanted to mention: I have finally finished Tutorial 03. So that means: The tutorial is now complete, which means that the "single-player evaluation version" is complete. Aside from maybe some little bug-fixes and minor polishing here and there, from now on, my focus is finally back on multiplayer.

... and ... this new version is online, so you can immediately try it (plus a LOT more changes, but too much to talk about this late in the night, I've been up for 22 hours, no, actually 23 hours - that was a really loooong day) ;-)

Oh, and I just had another best time for Level 02, while play-testing this new version. So, either I have an incredible energy, or this game really isn't that hard ;-) ... or I was just lucky and blessed by the game-gods ;-)


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